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& Environment

The module introduces the components of environmental conditions and issues. It focuses on human intervention affecting the environment both positively and negatively and the relationship of buildings with the natural system.

Project 01

Creative Essay

In a group of 4, a research topic on 'What is Sustainable Architecture?'

A creative essay to be written based off of the prompt.

Project 02


In a group of 6, a thorough daylighting analysis conducted on a chosen building.

Identify the passive design strategies used for daylighting.


Project 01: Creative Writing

In this project, I had the opportunity to work with some amazing team members: Mira Yen, Sammi Chew, and Sherrina Ong Su.

In 3 short weeks, I was able to learn alongside them on producing an original written essay on the prompt of 'What is Sustainable Architecture?'


With creative liberty, we were able to write out our opinions on sustainable architecture as a concept, and how we believe what lies in its core, is something much more intangible.

empathy in archi.PNG
P1: Creative Writing

Project 02: Daylighting

For the final project of this module, we are tasked to do a daylighting analysis on a building of choice, to which my group chose the Chapel in Valleaceron, located in Almaden, Spain.


We had the amazing opportunity to construct a model of the chapel digitally, and analyze how the architecture interacts with the daylight.

P2: Daylighting
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